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Alexus Washington

Elevating the employee experience: one brand, one strategy, and one message at a time.

Photo by Karolina Kaboompics on Pexels

Employee Certification Journey Campaign (SharePoint Intranet Article)

This internal article was the best performing comms piece from an HR communications campaign to drive awareness, educate employees on a new internal process and platform, and increase utilization of a critical employee value proposition (EVP) / employee benefit to provide free access to our gold-standard certifications and associated prep courses.

Result: Within the first 24 hours, the intranet article reached an all-time historic high on our intranet site with 2200 views, indicating strong employee interest, repeat visits, and increased awareness.

Meeting Efficiency Campaign: Fireside Chat Recap (SharePoint Intranet Article)

This internal article was a part of of a communications campaign and HR/employee engagement initiative called "Make Every Meeting" to address and combat meeting fatique and counterproductivity, a key theme that showed up throughout our latest employee engagement surveys. We aimed to promote meeting efficiency, reinforce key behaviors associated with this outcome, and share resources and best practices to help the organization achieve a long-term transformation.

Our comms plan included:

Fireside Chat where the CEO discusses the importance of meeting effectiveness and strategies for enhancing productivity during meeting, among other predetermined topics.

Intranet Article Recap that shared out the key points from the fireside chat and emphasize the company’s stance on meeting efficiency, along with a link to a newly developed meeting resource page.

Resource Landing Page with resources such as templates, best practices, and checklists for effective meetings.

Viva Engage Content with bite-sized tips on meeting effectiveness through Viva Engage to drive traffic to the "Make Every Meeting Matter" page by linking to it in posts, and encourage open dialogue on our engagement platform.

Company newsletter blurb to drive more awareness and traffic to the resource page and encourage utilization.

Connect for Good Campaign Launch (Slack Announcement)

This company-wide announcement introduced Salesforce's "Connect for Good" initiative, which aimed to raise $1 million for local nonprofits by encouraging employees to come into Salesforce offices or attend employee events for the campaign.

The goal of this message was to reinforce the importance of community engagement and motivate employees to actively contribute to making a positive impact in their communities, aligning with Salesforce's values of giving back and strengthening connections.

Results: 143,000 employees participated, exceeding the fundraising goal by $500,000. 

Community 365 Change Management Campaign Launch (All Team Email)

This internal email was written for the organization's change management project, Community 365. The purpose was to introduce the multi-phase, company-wide project to employees, outline the benefits and features of this program, and lay out a concrete timeline for the completion of this transformation.

In addition to this email, I authored copy for account migration reminder emails, executive leadership video scripts, PowerPoint slides, and intranet announcements.

Employee Vaccination Program Executive Comms (CEO Letter)

This letter was written on behalf of the CEO/President to formally address employees and introduce the company's vaccination campaign. At launch, only 50.1% of employees were vaccinated, which meant that about half were vaccine-hesitant or anti-vax.

My approach was to:
1. Establish the company as a community leader
2. Convey the importance of vaccination
3. Remind employees of our overarching mission and commitment to health and wellbeing
4. Express a genuine appreciation for all employees who've aligned the company's efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Results: Within 30 days, we saw a 30% increase in participation.

Email: National Immunization Awareness Month

This internal email was sent out as a company announcement ahead of the mandated vaccination campaign rollout. The strategy behind this email was to emphasize the importance of general routine vaccination, establish credibility by mentioning the recommendations of health care professionals, remind employees of resources available to them and address employee vaccine hesitancy ahead of the company's official decision to mandate vaccination.
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